Kona Sailing Club Sailing Instructions 2025


For a printable PDF copy of the Sailing Instructions, tap here. 

.KSC Course Chart, Revised August 2018, tap here. 

1 – Rules.
The regatta will be governed by the current year Racing Rules of sailing, the prescriptions of US Sailing, pertinent class and fleet rules, the HYRA prescriptions, except as any of these are modified by the Notice of Race (NOR) or Sailing Instructions (SI) specific to an event.

2 – Eligibility.
Eligibility consists of a current state registration, and a Coast Guard Auxiliary inspection, or Coast Guard documentation. 

3 – Changes in Sailing Instructions.
Any changes to the Sailing Instructions will be posted in writing prior to 10:00 am on the Club bulletin board or when given on the water by flags, orally, or over the radio on channel 78.

4 – Schedule of Races. 

4.1.  The current published schedule of KSC races for the current year applies unless modified by the NOR.
4.2.  Unless otherwise stated in the NOR or IS, the first warning/class signal shall be at 11:55.  Conditions permitting, the race committee may run a second race on any given day during the Spring or Fall series.
4.3.  The normal starting order will be: “B” Class, “A” Class, Multihulls. Other classes and starting order determined by PRO.
4.4.  A class qualifies for it’s own start only when three or more boats of that class or recognized by Race Committee (RC) prior to their warning signal,   Smaller classes may be combined.

5 – Class Flags.

International Code Flags will be used.

“A” class – A flag (White & Blue with K shape edge)

“B” class – B flag (Red with K shape edge)

Multihull class – M flag (Blue with White X)

Other classes – (may be indicated via Amendment)

6 – Racing Areas.

The racing area will be North of Honokohau Harbor, off shore of Kaloko fishponds to 1.6 miles North by North West to Keahole Pt., alternate courses include area directly west of Honokohau harbor entrance and south into Kailua Bay.  Weather mark may also be set to the north of the start area, near OTEC, as indicated by KSC Course Chart (August 2018 revision).

7 – Marks.

Windward marks will be either a yellow or orange 5 ½ foot tetrahedron.  Either color may serve as a windward mark, as designated by RC.   The RC may designate an alternate mark, or an offset mark.

The starting/finish line will be marked by an orange pin buoy and orange flag on the Race Committee boat.

Marks may be rounded to port or starboard, as indicated by the current KSC Course Sheet, revised August 2018.

After the start and prior to the finish, the start/finish line and RC boat has no significance.

8 – The Start and the Finish.
The Start / Finish area is located off Kaloko Ponds to a mark set at Lat. 19 degrees 45’ North, and 156 degrees 04’ West, unless specified in person or over radio by the RC.

9 – Starting Recalls.
In the event of an Individual Recall, the RC may attempt to hail the boat(s) but failure to make or hear a hail shall not be grounds for redress under Rule 62.1  In addition to flag and sound signals, the RC may announce individual Recalls of the VHF channel 78. 

General Recalls will be signaled in accord with Rule 29.2 (First Substitute Flag) and two sounds, and may also use additional sound signals.

10 – Change of Course.
Any change of course will be given verbally before the race or over the radio on channel 78 during the race.  The RC may signal a change of course by displaying the code flag “C” .

11 – Retirement.
A boat that leaves the racecourse prior to finishing shall notify the Race Committee by VHF Channel 78, voice hail, or cellular phone call the PRO or Rear Commodore at 808-640-0662.    This is mandatory, lest we have to send out a search and rescue party for you.

12 – Change of the Next Leg of the Racecourse.
To change the next leg of the course, the RC may lay a new mark, use an existing buoy, or move the finishing line to a new position.

13.1 – The Finishing line.
The Finishing line will be between a staff displaying an orange flag on the finishing mark at the starboard end and the course side of the port-end mark, which is normally the RC boat.   In the event of a shortened coarse the finishing line may comprise of different elements and the fleets will be notified by the RC.

13.2 –  Race Committee not on station.
In the event the RC boat is absent when a boat finishes, she shall report her finishing time, and her position in relation to nearby boats, to the race committee at the first reasonable opportunity.

14 – Time Limit.
The time limit will be three hours after the start of the last fleet for all fleets.  Boats failing to finish within the time limit may be scored a DNF (did not finish) or they may take their own time if the RC boat has retired from the course.

In order to start the next race without unnecessary delay, the last boat on the next to last or final leg of course may return to the starting area, or may be directed to do so by an oral / radio instruction from the RC.   In either case the boat will be scored in last place.

The time limit may be altered at the discretion of the RC/PRO.

15 – Protests.
A boat intending to protest shall inform the other boat as the first reasonable opportunity by hailing ‘PROTEST” conspicuously displaying a RED Flag.  In addition, a boat intending to protest or acknowledging an infringement shall notify the RC/PRO on the water immediately after it finishes or retires, according to rule 61. Protests shall be on forms available at the Kona Sailing Club and delivered there within 1 hours after the RC boat docks.

Protests will be heard in approximately the order of receipt as soon as possible.

Protest notices will be posted within 30 minutes of the protest time limit to inform competitors when and when there is a hearing in which they are parties to or are named as witnesses.

16 – Scoring.
The low point scoring system, rule A2 will apply.  Rule A2 is modified so that each boat’s series score will be the total of her race scores, with her worst score discarded to determine the series winner.  There will be no discarded races to determine the accumulated points for the year total.

Race ties under handicap system – the points for the place shall be added together and divided equally.  Rule A7

First tie breaker scores all races sailed in a series.  Subsequent ties will be broken in accordance with rule A8.

If a boat has entered any race in a series, she shall be scored for the whole series. Rule A2.2 & A9

17 – Safety Regulations.
All entries must meet all Coast Guard safety requirements.

While racing personal floatation devices must be worn by crew of boats 18ft or less in length.  It is the responsibility of each skipper to decide if conditions are safe. 

17.1  Boats which intend to race shall check in with the RC at least 10 minutes prior to the first warning flag.   Normally this mandatory check-in time is prior to 11:45 am, the RC may (at their discretion) accept radio check in.  A boat that fails to check-in and be acknowledged by the RC during the allotted check-in time may be subject to a 20% penalty.

During the start sequence, boats whose class signal has not been made shall keep clear of the starting area and of all boats whose class signal has been made.

17.2  A Boat that retires from a race SHALL notify the RC as soon as possible

18 – Substitution of Competitors.
Substitution of competitors will not be allowed without prior approval of the RC.

19 – Prizes.
Prizes/ribbons will be awarded to each boat in each fleet placing First, Second, and Third in the race at the post race gatherings.

Series Prizes will be awarded to each boat placing first, second, and third in a class with 3 or more boats participating.  Year Trophies shall be awarded at the annual General Membership Meeting in January.

20 – Disclaimer of Liability.
Competitors participate in the race/sail day entirely at their own risk.   See Rule 4, Decision to Race.  The organizing authority will not accept any liability for material damage or personal injury or death sustained in conjunction with or prior to, during, or after a club race or sail day.  KSC strongly recommends that all competitors check the weather prior to going out on the water.