Event Sign Ups
Thank you Kona Sailing members for coming here to sign up for one of our events! This page is organized into categories; PRO, Race Committee, Grill Master, and Potluck. You can use the table of contents located to the right of this text to jump right to the category you wish to sign up for. Select a specific sign up in the list and you will be sent to the RSVP page. Select RSVP, add your email and quantity. You will be send an email notification when complete. If the RSVP button is greyed out, there are no more signups needed for that event.
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Take your turn as PRO.
One of the reasons we all enjoy such a great time on the water is that club members volunteer at least once each year to take charge of the racing by doing duty as the PRO and Officer of the Day.
You’ll be responsible for getting the marks in the water, scoring the race, making sure the club is ready to go for the post racing BBQ and potluck, and making sure that everything is nice and tidy when everyone is finished and the club is ready to be locked up until the next event.
Grab a copy of the Officer of the Day checklist by tapping here.
[tribe_events view=”list” category=”rc” events_per_page=”5″]
Be a Race Committee volunteer.
One of the reasons we enjoy such a fun time on the water is because our club members volunteer to help out with organization so that we can properly start, finish and score races.
Spend the day helping to set marks, take finish times, call OCS racers, and all the other cool stuff that comes with tooling around in the power boat with the PRO.
Take a turn at the grill!
Choose the menu, let the members know what you’re cookin’ and run with it…
$50.00 budget, reimbursed by treasurer, be sure to save and turn in your receipt.
Sign up to attend spend the afternoon with the rest of the club members while we rehash the racing and socialize.
Everyone is welcome to attend, whether or not you participate in the racing. Sign up below and don’t forget to bring a side dish to share with everyone.
This counts towards dry storage discount participation so be sure to check-in at the club.