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Talk Story with the Commodore – July 2018

Talk Story with the Commodore – July 2018

Aloha Sailors. As many of you now realize we are moving into the 21st century with a redesigned website which gives you the ability to sign up and pay for most things online. The final part of the puzzle will be when boat owners can pay for boat parking online which...

Kawaihae Rally

Kawaihae Rally

We hear a rumbling dockside, people are gravitating there, laughing and music playing, its Peters 50 birthday!  The after party.  “Make me an angel, that flies from Montgomery” echoed off the water, a song originally made by John Prine, but sang so well by the band playing waterside for the party. What a sight to see… Strangers mingling, old salts dancing, kids running along the dock. A mosaic of love and friendship painted against the backdrop of a Kohala mountain sunset.

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