Talk Story with the Commodore
As the DLNR starts to issue permits again, the Kona Sailing Club is looking forward to starting the Fall Series on time, and brainstorming ways to maintain social distancing while having fun!

Membership Renewals – New Process, New Prices
Aloha members Membership renewals are due soon – March 1st. You may have noticed that you have not received an invoice or a bill yet. Dry storage bills have not been sent out yet either; they will be issued in a few days. We’ve been looking at new ways to...Happy New Year from the Commodore
We’re ringing in the new year with the Holiday Party (please sign up ASAP if you have not done so), BOD elections update, and some dates to remember!

Time to Vote for the 2020 Board of Directors
Voting for the 2020 Board of Directors is now underway, and will continue through the end of the month. Please make sure to submit your ballot before Dec 31.